Bush Boys Crossword Quiz:


4. Type of knot (7)
9. Antidote for ant stings (7)
12. The yahoo built for luxury not speed (8)
13. Needed to treat leeches (4)
14. Greg's collection (3,4)
16. Profession of Mr Matthew Cumberland (9)
18. Cooking pans (6)
23. This was left at the pool near the hut (6,5)
24. Fresh water crayfish (6)
26. Author of Bush Boys (5,7)
28. Used for boiling water (5,3)
29. Where the mountain Cumberlands live (9,5)
30. The park ranger (4,7)


1. Getting clean in the bush (4,4)
2. Bernie's favourite reptile (6)
3. Local policeman (12)
5. They look like bull ants but don't bite (5,4)
6. One of the Cumberland twins (8)
7. Used for kindling (6,4)
8. Used for navigation (7)
10. A prayer (7,8)
11. Boiled rice and sultanas (7,3)
15. Sapling springing from a stump (6)
17. Water fighting game (5,5)
19. Jumping on someone swimming (7)
20. The school bully's real name (5,7)
21. Mrs Pancard's nickname (9)
22. Laughing jackass (10)
25. The HSC subject of the stolen exam papers (7)
27. A tool (7)

Bush Boys Crossword Answers

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